Privacy Policy


Updating and Correcting Your Personal Information


When you create an account with us, we collect basic details like your name, address, email, and phone number. Additional information, such as government identification, may be required when purchasing or adding services. We also keep a record of your interactions with us, including customer service inquiries and any relevant details regarding your queries. Moreover, we utilize cookies and similar technologies to gather information about your interactions and usage on our websites and mobile applications. For more specific details about the data, we collect and your choices regarding that data, please refer to our Privacy Policy.


How We Use Your Information

Your information is used to deliver, enhance, and improve the services we offer. This includes creating and managing your account, providing services (including online applications), and safeguarding against fraud and misuse. For more comprehensive information, please refer to our Privacy Policy.


Sharing Your Data

We may share your data with affiliated companies within our corporate group, third parties with whom we have partnered to integrate services, and trusted service providers who assist us in delivering our services. We only share necessary information, and these third parties are prohibited from using your data for any other purpose than what is outlined in our Privacy Policy.


Updating Your Personal Information

You have full control over your personal information. You can update your account details, including your name, email address, phone number, and billing address, either through your online portal or by contacting us directly.


Contact Information


If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints regarding our Privacy Policy or our services, please reach out to our nominated Data Protection Officer:

- Name: Mr. Bashiru Seidu

- Position: Managing Director

- Country: Ghana

- Telephone: +233248835151 / +233 53 134 4632

- Email:

- Address: Tema, Accra-Ghana.


We commit to responding to all requests, inquiries, or concerns within five working (5) days.


Securing Your Digital Identity


We prioritize the security of your digital identity through various measures:

Secure Communication Channels We encrypt personal data transmitted through web forms to prevent interception.

Account Authentication: We require unique usernames and passwords, with two-step verification options.

Security Training: Our employees receive regular training on security best practices.

-Layered Security Approach: We employ multiple security measures to protect our network and data.


Protecting Your Data


You also play a crucial role in safeguarding your data:

- Secure Your Password: Never share your password, avoid password reuse, and change passwords regularly.

- Two-Step Verification: Consider enabling two-step verification for added security.


Accessing Your Information

Upon request, we can provide information about the data we hold about you, including the purpose of processing, categories of data collected, and your rights regarding that data. To access this information, you'll need to provide one of the following forms of ID:


- Passport/Citizen Card

- Recent proof of address


Updating Your Personal Information

You can manage your personal information through your online portal or by contacting us directly to update your details or email preferences.



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